Personal insurance is about much more than money.

Personal Insurance is about protecting what is important to you and your family.

It is about providing support for your family when you are no longer in a position to do so.

70% of Australians are reliant on their superfund to provide their family with the support they need when they become sick, insured or pass away. The reality is that the default level of insurance cover provided is often unsuitable and underwhelming. If something goes wrong, members are often left underinsured as no careful consideration has been taken in relation to the suitablity of these products. The ramifications of this are the huge due to the financial impact and stress on families who are already under pressure due to death, injury or illness.

Our solution is to create a personalised protection plan tailored to you.

Having a robust personal protection plan is a core foundation to ensuring you and your family can always continue to maintain a life with dignity and on your terms.


Complete coverage to protect what matters.

Our life insurance advice includes a thorough review of your financial, health and lifestyle circumstances. If we know how you live now and what you want from the future, we can recommend insurance cover that will deliver on those dreams no matter what. 

The four main life insurance options can stand alone or be combined if more comprehensive cover fits your specific needs.

Types of life insurance.

Income protection cover

This insurance protects one of your biggest assets – your income. If you’re unable to work due to illness or injury, you’ll still receive a regular income to meet your financial commitments and living expenses.

  • Monthly payment (around 60-70% of your income)

  • Waiting periods apply

  • Paid until you return to work or for agreed timeframe (2 years, 5 years or til age 65)

Life cover

Life cover provides financial support to your family or dependents in the event of death or diagnosis of a terminal illness. The payment helps your family repay debts, cover funeral expenses and replace lost income.

  • Lump sum payment

  • Paid out directly to the person/people you care most about

Total and permanent disablement (TPD) cover

If you become totally and permanently disabled and can’t work, TPD cover helps you pay off debts and medical expenses, make modifications to your home, and replace lost income.

  • Lump sum payment

  • Definition of TPD varies between insurers

  • Policy may stipulate own occupation or any occupation

Trauma cover

Trauma insurance is paid if you get a diagnosis of a serious illness like cancer, heart attack or stroke. Put the focus on recovery and getting well – an immediate payment helps meet your financial commitments and medical costs.

  • Type of illness or injury determined by insurer

  • Mental health conditions aren’t covered


How does our insurance process work?

The 15-minute call – let’s talk about you

We use this call to find out what’s important to you and if we’re a good fit. You might be ready to lock in insurance or in browsing mode – we’ll move as fast or as slow as you need. If you need full-service financial advice, we’ll connect you with help.

The online questionnaire – finer details

Step through our simple questionnaire to tell us about your lifestyle, health, finances and income. These details help us develop our personal insurance recommendations and prepare an insurance proposal designed with you in mind.  

Insurance proposal – personalised recommendations

The proposal outlines recommended life insurance products, coverage amounts and combinations based on your circumstances and spells out indicative premiums you could expect to pay. We’ll discuss any existing health concerns and if they affect your insurance application.

Start the insurance application process

The life insurance application and assessment processes are thorough – because once an insurer agrees to provide you with cover, they can’t cancel your policy. Choose your insurer and we’ll do the paperwork for you, organise forms that need your signature, and submit the application.